Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1410 Add python-moira to debathena-standard new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#1257 debathena-msmtp should check non-default subcaches in a DIR ccache new defect normal The Distant Future
#1285 Deny login until a maintainer enables it new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#1256 dialups should have per-user /tmp new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#1264 Figure out why we have so many processes new defect normal The Distant Future
#1292 "GNOME with XMonad" is broken new defect normal The Distant Future
#1261 Inactive SIAB sessions should get cleaned up new defect normal Upstream Utopia
#1374 Move debathena locker to -c athena assigned adehnert task low The Distant Future
#577 Rewrite xcluster in python or something new enhancement trivial The Distant Future
#1361 Ship python-zephyr new defect normal The Distant Future
#1176 Story for screen on the dialups new task normal The Distant Future
#1179 TracZephyrPlugin should send linerva tickets to -c linerva new task normal The Distant Future
#1372 WebAthena'ized SIAB new enhancement normal The Distant Future
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