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Results (55 - 57 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#88 wontfix Lock down chroots on tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


We should find a mechanism to lock down chroots on

Users need to become root within the build chroots to install packages. Normally, chrooting isn't considered a security mechanism, and so by design it's possible for root to escape from a chroot, meaning that any user who has root within the build chroot can potentially acquire root outside of the chroot.

This is a blocker for any sort of setup where is open to the community.

#89 fixed debathena-build-depends is out of date tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


debathena-build-depends still depends on config-package-dev and thus is not installable. We should build version 1.2, but it is not buildable because the aptitude locking code seems to have broken.

At the moment, debathena-build-depends is not installable, so this should be done soon.

#90 fixed debathena-discuss-server doesn't create inetd/xinetd service tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


The debathena-discuss-server package apparently doesn't work. It's never been tested, so this isn't surprising, but this should probably be fixed if Discuss is to survive the move to Athena 10.

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