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Results (97 - 99 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#75 fixed Convert /mit/debathena/packages to a dasource checkout farm tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


We should convert /mit/debathena/packages to a farm of dasource checkouts, so that we stop having to synchronize svn and /mit/debathena.

This is actually fairly easy because dasource uses paths of the form /mit/debathena/packages/athena/debathena-saferm/ whereas currently we have paths of the form /mit/debathena/packages/athena/saferm

So, we should do all the relevant checkouts, make sure there are no inconsistencies left, and archive the old stuff.

#76 fixed develop system of metapackages to handle openafs modules and kernel upgrades tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


Anders proposed a solution to the openafs modules problem:

If we provide packages like this:

Package: openafs-modules-generic Depends: openafs-modules-2.6.24-16-generic,

linux-image-generic (=

then the kernel upgrade will be held back until openafs modules are available. This would make it less critical that this happens instantaneously.

#77 wontfix make a package that configures the MIT VPN jdreed tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


We should investigate making a package that configures VPNC to use the MIT VPN service.

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