Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#118 duplicate GUI integration with lockers geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


It would be totally nifty if there were some nicely integrated and obvious way to type in a locker name to Nautilus or something and have it open, without using the terminal.

#119 fixed Moira GUI jdreed geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


It would be totally nifty if the features of the moira command-line clients (moira, mailmaint, etc.) were available via a GUI, too.

#120 fixed Kill Athena finger with fire jdreed ezyang

Reported by ezyang, 16 years ago.


The acpi-support/power-funcs bash support file on Ubuntu (and probably Debian) uses a finger|grep|sed chain to extract the information it wants. Unfortunately, MIT's finger changes the format, and this operation fails.

For this particular case, if finger outputs :0, not p0, for TTY, things should work.

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