Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#669 fixed tex-config does not like being installed or uninstalled geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


If tex-config is installed without TeX being installed, you get

/var/lib/dpkg/info/debathena-tex-config.postinst: 154: fmtutil-sys: not found

and the preinst fails.

If tex-config is removed under... some circumstances? (Possibly TeX being removed at the same time? We're getting this when aptitude decides to remove all of debathena-cluster), you get several errors of the form

fmtutil: running `pdftex -ini   -jobname=pdftex -progname=pdftex -translate-file=cp227.tcx *pdfetex.ini' ...
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian) (INITEX)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
! I can't find file `pdftexconfig.tex'.
l.4 \input pdftexconfig.tex
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit)
Please type another input file name: 
! Emergency stop.
l.4 \input pdftexconfig.tex
No pages of output.
Transcript written on pdftex.log.
Error: `pdftex -ini  -jobname=pdftex -progname=pdftex -translate-file=cp227.tcx *pdfetex.ini' failed

and then finally

fmtutil: Error! Not all formats have been built successfully.
Visit the log files in directory
for details.

and the postinst fails.

(I have the full log if that's interesting, and I can probably also get to /var/lib/texmf/web2c.)

#807 fixed test upstream change to LPRng geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


Upstream took a somewhat different patch to fix compiling on Natty (and Sid?) than I submitted. We should test it on Natty and make sure it works.

If so we should get Debian to take the patch, and get Ubuntu to sync it from Debian once that happens, dropping the Ubuntu patch (Ubuntu wasn't patching lprng until  lp:719181). One easy way to get Debian to take the patch is to make sure that 3.8.B will include it, and then get Debian to just update to the latest upstream.

#171 invalid Test ticket. Please disregard broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis iaculis. Fusce id orci. Mauris placerat nulla eget neque. Pellentesque accumsan. Sed nisl nibh, facilisis sit amet, convallis eu, porttitor sed, quam. Phasellus auctor metus quis quam. Vivamus nunc massa, dictum sit amet, dignissim et, blandit ac, magna. Suspendisse sed elit. Maecenas quis lorem. In accumsan dui. Curabitur pulvinar sem eget massa. Phasellus sed ipsum. Vivamus ac dolor sit amet metus facilisis suscipit. Sed sed felis et risus adipiscing volutpat. Maecenas risus felis, scelerisque pulvinar, imperdiet ac, lacinia ac, risus. Proin blandit, sem nec cursus pellentesque, lectus ipsum sodales ligula, quis tincidunt urna massa ac velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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