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Results (169 - 171 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#223 fixed Make "noarch" sysname and inform locker maintainers broder jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


With {i386,amd64}_deb60, the sysname list is beginning to get clunky, and the presence of things like i386_linux3 in there occasionally causes users to end up with libc5 binaries which fail poorly.

We should consider desupporting everything older than, say i386_linux24. (i386_linux24 was Athena 9.1, but is also the default sysname on RHEL4 and 5).

#224 fixed Cluster installer should check for sufficient disk space amb jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


The cluster installer should, among other things, check for sufficient disk space before installing. Currently, it will happily install in an 10GB VMware virtual disk, and then it will fail miserably when you attempt to log in. While information is logged to the reactivate log, ~/.xsession-errors is kind of cryptic and just complains about Presession exiting with non-zero status

Previously tracked as ATN-64.

#226 fixed Investigate state of open-vm-tools under Jaunty and determine whether to fully support them at this time jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


This is a continuation of ATN-42, in which vmware tools (and open-vm-tools) was horribly broken under Hardy and Intrepid with recent kernels.

We believe everything except LP 332323 has been fixed in Jaunty.

We need to do the following:

  • Confirm that LP 306835 and 302226 are no longer an issue in Jaunty.
  • Test Debathena on Jaunty as a guest with open-vm-tools
  • Document what works and what doesn't, and make a determination about support.
  • Decide that anything older than Jaunty is not Fully Supported(tm) as a VMware Guest with open-vm-tools

History is available in ATN-42, which is archived at for those without Jira access.

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