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Results (208 - 210 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#391 fixed Stop debathenifying bash and tcsh because no one uses double-tilde jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


I assert that no one uses the double-tilde notation anymore for lockers, and with the advent of the automounter it's no longer useful.

We should discuss this at release-team, but I bet we can punt it.

#393 fixed remove renew and add from debathena-dotfiles broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


The renew and add shell functions are being provided by debathena-shell-config, but they're also in /usr/athena/lib/init/{bash,csh}rc.

Since the Athena dotfiles still source the system dotfiles, there's no reason to have the functions in both places, and in fact they are currently out of sync, so we should punt them from debathena-dotfiles.

#394 wontfix restore some login screen options/applets geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


Athena 9 had a number of pre-login options, including xcluster, MITVMA, telnet to Barton, and, uh, other stuff.

Some of these are possibly still useful. We should either restore them, or turn them into webapps and alter the kiosk mode home page. This is almost certainly preferable, because, e.g., Barton is now web-only.

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