Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (235 - 237 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#417 fixed Renew doesn't work properly on Karmic ismith

Reported by ismith, 15 years ago.


Error: "Kerberos 4 is no longer supported". Presumably this is a result of calling kinit with -45, and that should be changed to either no flag or -5?

#396 fixed Rename "Locker Software" in the Applications menu jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


"Locker Software" is meaningless to anyone new to MIT. Something like "MIT-provided Software" or "MIT-licensed Software" or even just "MIT Software" would be better.

#190 fixed Removing debathena-counterlog mails root once a day broder xavid

Reported by xavid, 15 years ago.


Removing debathena-counterlog doesn't really do anything, because /etc/cron.daily/debathena-counterlog, being a conf file, doesn't get removed. Moreover, if you also remove its dependencies, like machtype, this leads to it sending mail to root once a day. Solutions that occur to me include removing /etc/cron.daily/debathena-counterlog if it's unmodified or putting some sort of check there so it doesn't run if it would cause an error. Removing it would be best, but I'm not sure how that's viewed in the debian way of life.

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