Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#435 fixed reactivate 2 regression: home directory must be world-listable geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


gkovacs reports and I confirmed with sipbtest that you can't log in to a cluster machine running reactivate 2 if your home directory is system:anyuser none:

E: Failed to change to directory ‘/afs/’: Permission denied

I haven't determined which change causes this, or even whether it's the new schroot version or just the more different way in which we're using it.

#438 wontfix install MS Office on clusters geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


It would be really cool if we could use one of our site licenses for MS Office (e.g., the one that WIN.MIT.EDU clusters use, or the MS Campus Agreement) to cover cluster machines and run MS Office via Wine, since there are differences in rendering, advanced features, etc. between MS Office and OpenOffice?.org.

jdreed believes that one of these licenses could actually cover clusters and said he'd talk with the person who does MS licensing; meanwhile, we should test that Office actually runs acceptably under Wine.

#440 worksforme n-up printing from evince doesn't work geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


I've had about two reports from different people that n-up printing on evince doesn't work somehow. I haven't yet attempted to reproduce this myself, but I'm filing this in case someone else wants to look into it first.

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