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Results (259 - 261 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1121 fixed debathena-manual-config is crufty kcr

Reported by kcr, 12 years ago.


With the sources:

deb squeeze debathena debathena-manual-config deb-src squeeze debathena debathena-manual-config

Attempting to install debathena-manual-kerberos-config:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

debathena-manual-kerberos-config : Depends: krb4-config but it is not installable

But there is no krb4-config in squeeze. kcr@ice$ apt-cache policy debathena-manual-kerberos-config debathena-manual-kerberos-config:

Installed: (none) Candidate: 1.11 Version table:

1.11 0

500 squeeze/debathena-manual-config amd64 Packages

This is likely a problem for krb4-less ubuntu versions as well.

(This probably just requires a rebuild or something)

#1118 fixed Add graphviz and xdot to thirdparty jdreed
#1117 fixed errant cyrus-sasl2-mit in squeeze archive geofft

Reported by geofft, 12 years ago.


While doing the wheezy build (with psuite=squeeze), bbaren and I noticed that seems to think that we need to build cyrus-sasl2-mit. We stopped debathenifying this ages ago, but apparently this is still listed in the apt repository in some way, and so gen-build-deps thinks that we should rebuild it (see the generated dependency of debathena-build-depends on everything in psuite at the bottom of gen-build-deps).

apt-cache madison confirms that it's there:

tyger:~ geofft$ apt-cache madison cyrus-sasl2-mit
cyrus-sasl2-mit | 2.1.22.dfsg1-0debathena2 | squeeze/debathena Sources

We should explicitly remove it from the apt archive.

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