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Results (280 - 282 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#368 fixed Change umask to 022 in /usr/lib/init/{ba,c}shrc jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


As per, lets move forward on changing the default umask to 022 (which is what the upstream default is) unless people have objections.

#378 fixed Distribute a gtkrc that enables the LPR backend jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


There are apparently still enough Kerberized printers out there that we should put out an easy fix if we have one. Additionally, it would be nice to have a second GUI printing method if CUPS.MIT.EDU fails for whatever reason.

To that end, can we distribute an /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc that contains the following?


Doing that on my debathena-workstation machines creates a new "Print to LPR" entry in the GUI, which provides a window in which to type an LPR command. Additional testing is probably a good idea, but this seems like a trivial fix.

#382 fixed Quickstation login times are unacceptable jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


This is a separate issue from the fact that login chroots are slow. Quickstations are designed for short login sessions to quickly check mail or print documents. When it takes the better part of 1 minute (of your 10 minute session) to get a web browser, that's not good.

Our long term fix for this will end up being aufs or whatever we do to speed up login times in general. We need short term fixes, however, which we can deploy before we use up all public goodwill for Debathena.

Possible short term fixes:

1) Make quickstations closer to -workstation machines, and disable root access completely (i.e. No installing software). 2) Do something awesome with kiosk mode from gdm.

I think #1 is far less effort than #2, but that's just me. We should compare login times for -cluster and -workstation on similar hardware to verify that #1 will be an improvement.

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