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Results (292 - 294 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#89 fixed debathena-build-depends is out of date tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


debathena-build-depends still depends on config-package-dev and thus is not installable. We should build version 1.2, but it is not buildable because the aptitude locking code seems to have broken.

At the moment, debathena-build-depends is not installable, so this should be done soon.

#1559 fixed debathena-chromium-config should use admin policy davidben

Reported by davidben, 9 years ago.


The --auth-server-whitelist flags for Negotiate and NTLM were apparently removed.

Instead it should be setting the AuthServerWhitelist? admin policy setting. This should be easier anyway since it's literally a matter of dropping a debathena.json file somewhere.

#100 fixed debathena-chrony-config should use transform-files andersk

Reported by andersk, 16 years ago.


debathena-chrony-config includes a modified version of chrony.conf from a particular chrony package. It should be rewritten to use transform-files (see so that it will work correctly on all distributions, incorporating modifications made to the upstream chrony.conf.

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