Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: new (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#1506 Using "Shutdown/Reboot" from indicator-session doesn't work on Trusty -cluster defect high -- 10 years
#1507 unity's lock screen has no way to force a log out on Trusty defect high -- 10 years
#1515 tty/ssh sessions should notify about AFS quota enhancement normal -- 10 years
#1425 Support PPAs on cluster machines enhancement normal -- 10 years
#1456 is not in lightdm's PAM stack defect normal -- 10 years
#1486 installer needs to check for Sophos enhancement normal -- 10 years
#1498 Genericize 'logout' alias for X sessions enhancement normal -- 10 years
#1501 ensure reactivate's session-cleanup script is idempotent task high -- 10 years
#1426 Drop Cyrus configuration task normal -- 10 years
#1103 Consider punting syncupdate task normal -- 13 years
#1458 Consider disabling fingerd on -cluster task low -- 10 years
#1455 bash-config and tcsh-config don't uninstall cleanly defect normal -- 10 years

Status: review (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#1424 debathena-kiosk shows lots of modal prompts jdreed defect normal -- 10 years
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