Ticket #805 (closed defect: wontfix)

Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

printing-config should be nonnative

Reported by: geofft Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: The Distant Future
Component: -- Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version:
Upstream bug:


At some point printing-config grew entirely out of hand to become a Python program with its own modules. This isn't really a configuration package, and therefore shouldn't be Debian-native. In particular there should be a reasonable tarball that one can "setup.py install" or whatever on a non-Debian UNIXy machine, and thereby hope to interact half-reasonably with Athena printers.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by jdreed

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix

printing-config should not exist, and we should not encourage its existence outside of Debathena.

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