Ticket #847 (closed task: fixed)
Port config-package-dev to Debhelper 7/8
Reported by: | geofft | Owned by: | geofft |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | The Distant Future |
Component: | config-package-dev | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Fixed in version: | config-package-dev 5.0 | |
Upstream bug: |
Debhelper 7 gained a lot of the cool stuff that people used CDBS for. If it's possible for something config-package-dev like to exist in Debhelper, then there's a strong popularity argument to moving our code to Debhelper + dh_configpackage.
Change History
comment:1 follow-up: ↓ 5 Changed 14 years ago by geofft
- Status changed from new to accepted
- Owner set to geofft
comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by geofft
Oh, I guess the other thing we could do there is -O, which implements "optional options" (i.e., it's not a fatal error to not understand this option), and so dh $@ --with config-package -O--divert-extension=.debathena or something. But a) that's getting ugly from the user side, even if it's less ugly from the implementor's side, and b) then the log on screen shows that being passed to every dh_* command...
comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by geofft
Once this is done we should tell the guy who submitted DebianBug:384807 (another, less featureful dh_divert) to switch to config-package-dev for his site configuration packages.
Or rearchitect c-p-d sufficiently that we end up submitting a nicer dh_divert upstream and closing that bug, or something.
comment:5 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 12 years ago by geofft
Replying to geofft:
Okay, I have a first draft at this in git://geofft.mit.edu/config-package-dev.git (forked from Anders' repo). It currently only supports divert and remove and not transform.
I've added transform support, also. Except rebases/squashing in the recent history of that repo, though.
Pending a little testing, and possibly some arguments over syntax, I think this is ready to be used now.
Okay, I have a first draft at this in git://geofft.mit.edu/config-package-dev.git (forked from Anders' repo). It currently only supports divert and remove and not transform. The interface is that you list files in debian/PACKAGE.divert, debian/PACKAGE.remove, etc. instead of as Makefile variables. I've tested this with debathena-quota-config and it builds correctly with the following debian/rules:
Honestly, very little was DH 7-specific (just --with config-package); dh_divert should work fine on older debhelpers. That said, DH 7 has explicitly been backported to Hardy, so we might as well use it.
The biggest outstanding issue is that there's not a good place to configure the divert extension. Options that occur to me: